We returned to San Miguel on June 30 to see the post-operative patients. In all, we have seen about 60% of the children who had surgery in May. Dr. Eugenio de Pavia, in Irapuato saw the others.

All of the children are doing well, without any complication or infection.

Please note below in the pictures the stroller we bought for the family whose stroller was falling apart, and the new Greg Mencio with cast.

in the clinic at the General Hospital Dobriganos were Maty, from DIF, irene, Santiago, Peggy and Billy Andrews.

We took off many casts, placed the children in post-operative splints, and arranged PT through DIF.

We also saw three new children, who will need surgery in 2014 and we arranged for the post-operative children also to be followed at the May 18, 2014 clinic.

The next blog post will likely be in February, after the Irapuato pre-op clinic.

Stephen Justis