2016 Trip…We’re Here!!

Hola, hola, hola from the Kids First Internet Cafe (aka the PACU). We invite you all to follow along with us as we complete another incredible week in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. This week we have 30 team members with us from Denver to Ohio to Tennessee and everywhere in between. We are so very thankful to have so many volunteers give a week of their vacation and leave their families to come work, work, work! It truly takes a village.

In case you’re new to our Kids First blog, we post updates every day on the day’s happenings, surgeries, and pictures. We also try to crack a few jokes, most of which aren’t funny so apologies in advance. Some of the pics may contain blood and/or content not suitable for those prone to fainting, but we try to censor everything. Please direct all complaints to Dr. Billy Andrews. We also post more day to day updates on our Twitter (@KidsFirstOrtho) and on our Facebook Page, Kids First Orthopaedics. Feel free to go like, share, tweet, and tag us (we’re tech savvy here at KF).

Sooooo, here we go! Yesterday’s clinic started bright and early at 7:30 AM. In clinic, all of the kids registered are seen by a physician. Each year we typically sign up 60-80 kids for surgery. This year we saw 288 children in clinic (feel free to pick jaw up off the floor). We signed up 85 patients for surgery, some of whom will be operated on next year. Our team members worked tirelessly until 7:30 PM seeing patients, registering them for surgery, unpacking boxes, taking inventory, and setting up the ORs. If there’s one thing clinic days teach us every year, it’s that Kids First needs to collectively invest in Rosetta Stone.

We enjoyed a lovely dinner last night at one of our favorite restaurants, Mi Vida, and the night ended early with many of us dragging our tired bodies to bed, swollen feet and all.

This morning’s surgeries are well underway. Dr. Stutz’s room has completed 2 cases and has started their third. Dr. Mencio/Dr. Fitch/ Dr. Mayer’s room has completed one case and has started their second. Dr. Andrews currently holds the lead with three surgeries completed and the fourth on the way. Spirits are high and the caffeine is flowing. We are excited for this week and thankful for another opportunity to serve alongside our friends in San Miguel!! Hasta luego!

Stephen Justis