OR Goin’ Up, On a Tuesday

Last night, the team didn’t pack up and head out until around midnight. Mind you, we had arrived around 7:30 yesterday morning, so if you’re counting, that’s a cool 16 hours at the hospital. Talk about starting off the week strong!

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Stephen Justis
We’re Back!! Summary of Days 1 and 2

We’re off to the races as our 2015 trip has officially commenced. Months of planning, organizing, and prepping have gone into this trip. This year we have 30 doctors, nurses, and volunteers that have taken time off of work and traveled from New York, California, and everywhere in between to serve children from across Mexico. We are extremely grateful for our wonderful KF 2015 team!!

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Stephen Justis
Wednesday, Day 4- “Short” Day

It was supposed to be our shorter day because we were to be honored by various officials and volunteers at Hank’s restaurant last night. However Kid’s First always works until the job gets done, and you can’t rush an artist at work. So the day promised to be shorter, but still heavy.

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Stephen Justis
Monday, Day 2- We Didn’t Come Here to Paint

Who doesn’t love Monday mornings? Here at Kid’s First, they’re our specialty. Everyone arrived pumped up for the first day and eager to see which kids were on the board. With an add-on or two, today’s total was 14 patients. What can we say, we like to start with a bang.

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Stephen Justis
We’re Back! Opening Day of the 2014 Trip

The band’s back together for the 2014 trip. This run to San Miguel is particularly special because it is Kid’s First 10th trip to the city. We are so appreciative to the people, volunteers, government, and hospital of San Miguel for being so helpful and welcoming for the past 10 years.

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Stephen Justis